Interactive vocabulary exercise from “Yi San” Part 11

Cloze test
with time limit and automatic scoring

Fill in all the gaps and then press the "Check" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers. If the time limit has expired, reload/refresh this page to start all over again, or proceed to the next exercise. (Best viewed on Firefox or Chrome)
   abusing      authority      begs      bullied      challenges      complains      Conflict      consummating      custodian      decree      disciplines      disobeys      Dowager      entitlements      fertility      foundation      immediately      innocence      interrogation      masterminding      mysterious      nemesis      simultaneously      talisman      vents   
Episodes 52-54

arises between Councilor Ki Chun-yik (head of the Imperial Library) and Lord Jang’s right-hand man Min Joo-shik. Later, Lord Jang himself to Yi San that Hong Gook-young is his authority.

Lord Jang meets with Queen Jung Soon (Grand Queen).

Artist Yi on his knees for a master painter to accept him as a student.

Embarrassed that Yi San visited Song-yeon instead of their marriage, Royal Concubine Hong her anger on Song-yeon. But Queen Hyo-eui finds out about it and her.

As the conflict between Queen Hyo-eui and Hong Gook-young begins, Hong Gook-young Yi San’s order.

Yi San prepares a that will shake Joseon’s to its core.

Royal Concubine Hong Queen Hyo-eui’s and orders Song-yeon to paint her fertility .

The half-bloods managing Yi San’s Imperial Library, including head custodian Councilor Ki Chun-yik, are attacked .

Later, several Noron officials are found murdered, with a sign drawn on their hands. Lord Jang and other Noron officials accuse Hong Gook-young of the murders.

Believing in Hong Gook-young’s , Yi San stops his , despite the protests of the Noron officials.

As Song-yeon becomes a student of former Royal Artist Chang Yong, she continues to work on the talisman for Royal Concubine Hong. When the news spreads throughout the palace that Royal Concubine Hong is pregnant, Song-yeon’s fellow damo Chobi warns her that she will be even more.

Queen Jung Soon strikes a deal so that she can bring down her Lord Jang and regain her as Grand Dowager Queen.